About Us

DARWIN SCIENCE CLUB (DSC) is intended to provide opportunities for learners to explore science. Our DSC was initiated by educators, learners, Science communicators, parents, scientists, and engineers

Our DSC is run by different people in different environments for different learners. Our DSC fuel the wonder and the joy of learning Science in interactive, fun, informative, and challenging ways.

Over the past 10 years, we have enabled a clear understanding of selected Science concepts for over


rural students

Other initiatives like Scientist Meet, Science Excursions, ISRO VISIT, Rocket Launching with Satellite Sensor, Science Amazing Facts Show, Puppet Show, Innovation Working Models, Educational Programs

Why "Darwin Science Club"?

Darwin Science Club is a fantastic opportunity for learners to explore aspects of Science that are not always possible within the constraints of a normal school timetable, DSC will motivate and encourage learners of all ages & abilities by changing their attitude toward Science & Technology.

Our DSC enhances the positive experiences that learners have with Science by allowing them to explore their own ideas and interests. By exposing them to role models in Science & Engineering, learners may even be encouraged to become scientists themselves.

Our DSC can serve as a support base for learners participating in Science expo, Science Olympiads, and science fairs. Our club encourages links between schools and industry, science centers, museums or research institutes, international communities, and Scientists.

Our Vision

To develop socially aware members with strong moral and educational high grounds and passion for their chosen field.

To be the premier student organization in the university that emphasizes the importance of scientific learning and education through the ideals it is structured on.

DSC intends to complement this discipline base with skills that will enable students to pursue successful professional in science and technology including Science-education and to meet the Scientific demands of modern society.

DSC will develop an awareness of students in environmental issues and increase their participation in the building of a safe, healthy, environmentally vibrant.

Our Mission

Encourage diversity within the student body, faculty, and staff.

Helps enhance knowledge about SPACE sciences through varied and relevant activities and develops interest in the protection and conservation of nature.

The focus of the club will be to enrich students' lives through extracurricular, as well as, service activities related to applied sciences and technology.

Develop a sustainable, Science-intensive multi-disciplinary curriculum that leverages the strengths of our faculty and physical resources and that is responsive to the needs of our local community, the region, the nation, and the world.

Our Milestones

Eco-Friendly Pen.

Riot control gun.

Space Science Technology Gallery, Lab & Training Centre.

Solid Propellant Rocket With Sensors.